The Queen, Grenache Blanc, Part 2

It’s been two weeks of warmer temperatures with quite a bit of sunshine since pruning day. Queen Grenache Blanc has been quietly observing the changes in the color of the light and the slope of the sun. This weekend, she surprised me by starting to show growth in her swelling buds. In fact, one looks like it might break soon! Yay, little baby!

Vibrant Travelers, Queen Grenache Blanc Part 2

Budbreak is officially the start of the growing season, signaling that the vine has moved from dormancy to starting this year’s growth. It begins when the tiny buds on a vine grow enough to show a bit of green leaf, almost like a baby bird cracking out of its shell with its tiny beak. Once the bud has broken, the growth unfolds slowly but steadily. Spring rains won’t deter it, and the changes in temperature between cooler nights and warmer days actually help the growth along. We have to cross our fingers for no frost, since this can zap the buds and any green growth, eliminating any hope of fruit. In truth, it’s unlikely where I live that we will get frost again this year, so I’m confident that things will continue along as they should.

Vibrant Travelers, Queen Grenache Blanc Part 2

The 2021 growing season is very close to starting!! Stay tuned!!