Being Brave: Celebrating International Women's Day + Women’s History Month

I’ve always loved the month of March. It’s my birthday month, my niece’s birthday month, the Spring Equinox, and the month when the cherry blossoms bloom in my neighborhood, and daffodils come up to greet us with their cheery yellow faces. It’s also Women’s History Month. I think about all of the women who came before me, their various struggles and joys, their grief and their laughter, and their love. I am grateful to be here on this planet today because of who they were.

Photo by Ana Gabriel on Unsplash

Photo by Ana Gabriel on Unsplash

Vibrant Travelers is a women-owned business that supports other women-owned businesses wherever possible. From winemakers and winery owners, master distillers, chefs, restaurant owners, tour guides, artists, and entrepreneurs, we make the conscious choice in seeking out a diverse array of women to partner with. A small percentage of the cost of each of our tours goes to non-profits and organizations which support women and girls around the world. Our tours are created by women, for women. By uncovering, sharing, and learning from our collective herstories, we understand our unique place in the world more clearly. We are better together.

Let’s be brave together this year. Let’s lean on each other, be vulnerable with one another, be willing to listen to and learn from one another. Let’s stand a little taller knowing that we are strong, we are capable, and we are enough, just as we are. Let’s show ourselves more love this year, treat ourselves like we treat our beloved best friends, bestowing upon ourselves the same loving kindness and compassion we bestow on the people we love. Let’s keep our eyes on the horizon together, supporting each other, knowing that one day, borders will open, the virus will be under control, and we will be able to remove our masks to see one another’s beautiful smiles again. Let’s remember the sacrifices our ancestors made for us to be who we are. Let’s be brave, and hope. We can do it. I know we can.