Top 5 Travel Must Haves - My 2022 Essentials!

This post contains affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase via the links in this post, I may earn a small commission, at no additional cost to you. I try hard to find products I believe in and use myself. Thanks in advance for keeping me in coffee on my travels!

As a professional tour director, I pack and repack for trips about every two weeks during travel season. I accompany groups on their vacations to ensure that logistics run smoothly and safely, while making sure that people are having a fab time. It also means I don’t really have time to think about replacing anything I forgot to bring with me, so I have developed my go-to list of travel essentials I never travel without.

My Top 5 Travel Must Have Essentials:

1.       Travelon backpack- This is my main carry-on bag. I love this backpack because it has locking zippers, anti-slash straps, an RFID blocking pocket, a laptop sleeve and surprisingly comfortable padded shoulder straps. It also holds an astonishing amount of stuff, yet still fits under those pesky economy size seats in the plane, even when stuffed to the gills.

2.       Travelon crossbody travel purse- I’ll fly with this as my “personal item” on the plane, or I’ll stuff it into my suitcase to use later on my trip if I need to bring aboard a larger bag. As with the Travelon backpack, I love the locking zippers, anti-slash straps, and RFID pocket, and it too holds a crazy amount of stuff while still being stylish! I can get a bottle of water, a travel umbrella, a sunglasses case and some snacks, a folding fan and a map or two - and still not feel like a sherpa! I have this bag in both black, and black & white stripes because… cute!

3.       Apple AirTag- oh my goodness, I will never, ever, EVER travel without this again! After my luggage recently missed my connecting plane, I did some research on suitcase tracking technology, and discovered this genius little baby. It’s slightly bigger than a US quarter - you put it into your suitcase, and then can locate your bag anywhere in the world via your iPhone’s “Find My” feature. Note: you need an iPhone 11 or newer for this little gem, and but there is a Samsung one I haven’ tried yet! The AirTag doesn’t need a battery or a charge- it pings off the zillions of iPhones in use around it to communicate with your iPhone about where it is. A handy map pops up for you to locate exactly where your bag is, which means you can see if your bag has been left planeside or is on its way to the baggage carousel. It will ping at you when the bag is no longer near you, and provide you with the last location where the bag was. The AirTag works for luggage, backpacks, keys, dogs, kids… you name it! If you are an iPhone user, and travel at all, you can’t live without this. They do also come in packs of 4 if you want to go all out and AirTag everything you own.

4.       Anker power charger- Ever been one of those people who sits on the floor of the airport next to an outlet with your charging phone because your iPhone battery is at 2%? Yeah, gross, me either – airport floors are filthy - but what to do when your charge is low, you can’t find an open outlet, or you are in another country and you can’t find your adapter? Anker’s travel charger is slightly larger than my iPhone 11, and a bit heavier, but it’s super powerful and provides a really fast recharge. I resisted getting a travel charger until I started traveling professionally, and it has saved my bacon at the end of a long travel day when I still needed to be able to use Uber to get to my hotel. It could also work well if you were on the run with littles, camping, took too many videos and photos for the day, or simply are out of power at your BFF’s house.

5.       This Toiletries Bag- I used the same 3 compartment waterproof toiletry bag for ages, and when all of the internal zippers had frayed at the seams, I found this one online, and have never looked back. It has 4 pockets, the last of which is detachable. The other 3 pockets hold a ton of travel sized products. It’s sturdy, waterproof, and has a handy metal hanging hook at the top. I’m a person who is sensitive to fragrance, so I always travel with products that won’t make my allergies go bonkers- I don’t always trust hotels to have shampoo, conditioner, soap and lotion that isn’t crazy smelly. When it’s stuffed full and zipped up, as mine is, it takes up a decent amount of space in my suitcase, but I always travel knowing it has exactly what I need.

6. Bonus Must Have: PATIENCE. I always pack my patience, especially right now when all things travel are wonky!

Okay chicadees, I hope you found this helpful! I would love to hear what your travel essentials are- the best tips come from friends, right? Be well, everyone!

You Said You Wanted Change, Right?

Have you ever been hoping for a change, maybe asking the Universe for it, perhaps sensing something big was on the way, and something happens that is not even remotely what you thought would happen, but turns out to be WAY better than you ever thought? Well, that happened to me last April, and I haven’t looked back since!

I am no longer working in the retail wine world, but instead full time in the tourism industry. I’m currently working for a large travel company while building Vibrant Travelers at the same time. After being trained last year as a professional tour director and tour guide, I’ve been learning the ins and outs of what it means to provide guided vacation experiences for guests. While certainly not without its challenges, it’s awesome! And the best part is that it has meant that Vibrant Travelers will be even more amazing in the future.

I’ve also relocated from California to Washington state, to a small town in the woods by the water near my family. It’s peaceful, the pace of life is slower, and the people are nice. It provides a soft landing place for me when I return from my far flung work adventures, and I am very grateful for it.

In the last year, I have visited more US National Parks, Monuments and Tribal Parks than I ever thought I would, and I’ve seen more of the United States than I ever did before. I haven’t traveled outside of the US since 2019 and while I am ACHING to do so, like I know many of you are too, I’m holding off on getting any Vibrant Travelers tours scheduled until 2024. Just waiting for more Covid dust to settle, and the travel ship to right itself, or at least, alter to a better course.

And, for all of you wonderful women out there: I am currently partnering with an operator who is helping to make the Magic of Provence tour I dreamed of in 2019 a reality for 2024. I am SO excited, because this tour has been so carefully and lovingly hand crafted by me for you, and I know it’s going to be amazing. Start saving your pennies, and stay tuned for dates and details! If we get enough interest, we may be able to offer more than 1 departure for it, which would be incredible!

In the meantime, I’m going to start writing more consistently with insider tips, tricks and suggestions for all things travel, wine, food and home- all of my favorite things. Can’t wait to share more!



Queen Grenache Blanc: Considering Micro-Growth

Budbreak 2021

Budbreak 2021

Yay! Vintage 2021 is underway, and Queen Grenache Blanc is growing beautifully. With warmer daytime temperatures, I like to think she is eager to keep stretching up and out. Budbreak came not long after my last post, and there have been daily noticeable small changes. I’m watching tiny unfurling leaves, little stems getting longer - and today I discovered the first flower buds hidden among the leaves!

Beginning to stretch her wings

Beginning to stretch her wings

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about micro-growth. In January, while waiting for Queen Grenache Blanc to emerge from dormancy, I moved all of my other plants from the side of the garden by the fence to the side by the house. It’s maybe a 4 foot difference, but with that slight shift in position, the light is different, and my plants started to grow in new ways. These plants had been in their various spots for several years, and I was frankly quite astonished at how much they changed just by being moved a few feet. It struck me as a heavy metaphor for the power of change and unanticipated growth in our lives.

She’s Off & Running!

She’s Off & Running!

The last year has felt like one really, really long day. But in noticing the changes in my garden, I started to realize that maybe I’ve had some micro-growth, too. I’ve witnessed micro-growth in my world in the form of new friends, connections, and trying new things at while at home. I’ve been inspired by people who think outside of the box of “what is possible”, and I’ve begun to stretch my beliefs about what I can do. Like many of us, the last year has helped me prioritize what and who is important, and how I want to live my life. My best life.

Hope: First Flower Bud of 2021

Hope: First Flower Bud of 2021

I think Spring is the perfect time to stop and take a moment to inspect, honor and celebrate the micro-growth in our gardens and our lives - to get excited by the tiny changes and to believe in possibility again. From Queen Grenache Blanc and I, Happy Spring, and may you find the courage to grow in your own beautiful way.