
You Said You Wanted Change, Right?

Have you ever been hoping for a change, maybe asking the Universe for it, perhaps sensing something big was on the way, and something happens that is not even remotely what you thought would happen, but turns out to be WAY better than you ever thought? Well, that happened to me last April, and I haven’t looked back since!

I am no longer working in the retail wine world, but instead full time in the tourism industry. I’m currently working for a large travel company while building Vibrant Travelers at the same time. After being trained last year as a professional tour director and tour guide, I’ve been learning the ins and outs of what it means to provide guided vacation experiences for guests. While certainly not without its challenges, it’s awesome! And the best part is that it has meant that Vibrant Travelers will be even more amazing in the future.

I’ve also relocated from California to Washington state, to a small town in the woods by the water near my family. It’s peaceful, the pace of life is slower, and the people are nice. It provides a soft landing place for me when I return from my far flung work adventures, and I am very grateful for it.

In the last year, I have visited more US National Parks, Monuments and Tribal Parks than I ever thought I would, and I’ve seen more of the United States than I ever did before. I haven’t traveled outside of the US since 2019 and while I am ACHING to do so, like I know many of you are too, I’m holding off on getting any Vibrant Travelers tours scheduled until 2024. Just waiting for more Covid dust to settle, and the travel ship to right itself, or at least, alter to a better course.

And, for all of you wonderful women out there: I am currently partnering with an operator who is helping to make the Magic of Provence tour I dreamed of in 2019 a reality for 2024. I am SO excited, because this tour has been so carefully and lovingly hand crafted by me for you, and I know it’s going to be amazing. Start saving your pennies, and stay tuned for dates and details! If we get enough interest, we may be able to offer more than 1 departure for it, which would be incredible!

In the meantime, I’m going to start writing more consistently with insider tips, tricks and suggestions for all things travel, wine, food and home- all of my favorite things. Can’t wait to share more!

