
Women’s History Month: Spotlight on Women Winemakers & Industry Changers

March 8th was International Women’s Day, “a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.” This year’s theme was “#ChooseToChallenge”. What does this mean for us today and each day? “We can all choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality. We can all choose to seek out and celebrate women's achievements. Collectively, we can all help create an inclusive world.” 

In this spirit, I am choosing to highlight 4 women over the course of the next few weeks who challenge the status quo of a global wine industry that continues to be dominated by men. In the United States, barely 15% of winemakers are women, and fewer than 5% of wineries are owned by women. Outside of the US, more women are taking the reins and while slow, signs of progress are happening as women become proprietors, head winemakers, and chef de caves. The future looks bright too- women are the largest number of students graduating from viticulture and enology programs around the world. Each of the featured women in these pieces is active in unique ways in compassionately supporting others within the wine industry.

The Grande Dame of Napa Cabernet: Cathy Corison


Cathy Corison was the first woman Winemaker-Proprietor in the Napa Valley. After graduating from UC Davis with a Master’s Degree in Enology, Cathy made wine at many now-famous Napa Valley properties, such as Chappellet, Staglin, and York Creek, and in 1987, she founded Corison Winery. After more than 35 vintages of Corison, and 45 years in the business, Cathy continues to stand apart from other Cabernet producers in Napa Valley by crafting elegant, restrained wines which delicately tell the story of their vintages and of the terroir from which they come. Her wines are not flashy or crafted for accolades and points from critics, yet they are powerful, most definitely age-worthy, and wonderful at the table. Despite being rewarded the distinction of Winemaker of the Year on multiple occasions, Cathy is a down to Earth, kind and curious person who is inspired by wines from all over the world. Beyond the wines she creates, Cathy eagerly tastes and explores wines from far outside of the Napa Valley- France, New Zealand, Germany, Austria, South America, and beyond. She finds inspiration everywhere. Cathy is guided by her belief that winemaking and wine appreciation are timeless, creative celebrations of life.


Sustainable viticulture and winery practices are an important part of Corison, which seeks to reduce its environmental footprint and care for the Earth. In similar stewardship, Cathy actively gives back to others in the wine business through the Bâtonnage Mentorship Program. “The Bâtonnage Mentorship Program serves to create a pragmatic, positive, inclusive course forward wherein individuals who have traditionally been overlooked or spoken over achieve equal opportunities, equal representation, and especially equal leadership positions within all sectors and tiers of our industry”.

A true pioneer in the wine industry, Cathy is the ultimate Grande Dame of Napa Valley. As Hugh Johnson said, “Cathy Corison is a national treasure”. I’ll raise a glass to that!